Thursday, March 5, 2009

Kids Say/Do the Darndest Things...

Okay, i promise i won't get all new-mother on you and talk about every single hilarious thing my students say...although it would make a good book. But i just had a few gems i thought i'd share. Being that it is only the first week of the semester...i'm sure it's only the tip of the oral iceberg.

1) We had to do an in-class exercise which involved us talking about what you should do for your aches and pains. If you have a cold, you should eat soup. If you have a stomachache, you should drink ginger tea. i asked my students what you should do if you have a of them shouted, "drink soju!" [which is Korean rice-vodka]. Another said, "drink champagne!" Mind you, these are students who don't know how to string together a complete sentence. Ah, some things know no boundaries...

2) During the same exercise, in a different class we were talking about what kinds of aches and pains get what names. Throat hurts= sore throat. Head hurts= headache. Stomach hurts= stomachache. One of my already-favourite students bobbed his hand up and down with such great enthusiasm and said, teacher! What is it called when THIS hurts? Just my luck, the curious lad was pointing to his nether-regions and an explosion of laughter erupted across the classroom. Apparently, i have all the boys with an affinity for their packages...

3) i have a student named Korea this semester. Yep, Korea. i thought he was joking but apparently not. Talk about a nationalist. To be fair, i suppose there is the actress, America Ferra to consider.

1 comment:

avivajaye said...

Hahaha! Oh the boys! Gotta love the boys. Sounds like fun, though! :-)