Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It Starts

Dear 조 명 희 ,

Hello, my name is Molly Delander. I am a Korean-American adoptee. I am writing you to find out some information about my birth family and possibly contact them as well. I realize you have many cases to look at, and that the process will be rather long. Please take into consideration that I am currently living in Suwon, South Korea. I would be able to come to Eastern Child Welfare if need be. I also have someone that could translate for me, if need be. I believe I have all of the documents and information you would need. I will give you some basic information to get things started.

My Korean name is 오 세 영

Birthdate: 05.24.1984

Case number: 84C-1458

Birthplace: Seoul

Father's name: 오 석 준

Mother's name:
왕 희 명

Please let me know if you need any more information at this time. Also, my phone number is: 010.4048.9203.

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Molly Delander